Dear friends,
Assuming the office of the President of AEA, on 1st June-2021, I am humbled by the thought of the commitment and milestones reached by my predecessors.
As an individual who believes in the power of relationships and team work, I seek the support of every member to help me make AEA stronger and a more effective instrument in providing a platform to engineers and architects, to satisfy their urge to update their knowledge in the fast changing environment of today and to keep abreast of their peers and colleagues. Together we shall also help groom young engineers coming out of our Colleges, to face the challenges of present times, with poise and dignity. In this context we shall put in all efforts to enroll more young engineers as members and also have programmes and webinars to attract student membership from Engineering Colleges in Thrissur District, to best of our ability.
Let us play an active role in various social causes of concern, especially in these trying times of Covid-19,to make our society better and more harmonious.
Together we shall,
President, AEA,